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Supplementation & Health Advice

What is High Cholesterol and how to treat it at home

What is High Cholesterol and how to treat it at home

September 10, 2018

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The risks of High blood pressure and what we can do to help reduce it.

The risks of High blood pressure and what we can do to help reduce it.

September 06, 2018

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Why Should We Be Using Probiotics?

Why Should We Be Using Probiotics?

September 03, 2018

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NEW PRODUCT ALERT!!!  Franky’s Bakery Candy Splash Flavour Drops IN STOCK now!!

NEW PRODUCT ALERT!!! Franky’s Bakery Candy Splash Flavour Drops IN STOCK now!!

April 15, 2018

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What is MCT OIL & How to Use It

What is MCT OIL & How to Use It

January 19, 2018

With the popularity of ketogenic diets and the 'bullet-proof' coffee regime, one food which appears to be gaining popularity in the weight loss arena is MCT Oil.

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Winter Health by SOLGAR

Winter Health by SOLGAR

December 30, 2016

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SQUEEZY Sports Nutrition for Energy and Performance

SQUEEZY Sports Nutrition for Energy and Performance

October 15, 2016

Sports nutrition is an essential but often over-looked part of sports and endurance performance, for staying healthy during training and competitions, and for successful recovery afterwards. Carbohydrates are an essential source of fuel for endurance athletes, such as runners, cyclists and triathletes, as carbs feed your glycogen stores - fuelling the body for optimum performance and providing energy.

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Everything You Need to Know About Protein Powder

Everything You Need to Know About Protein Powder

October 12, 2016

Protein is one of the 3 major macronutrients (protein, fats & carbohydrates) which is required by the body to function properly and provide energy. Chains of different amino acids make up the building blocks of protein and are found in every cell of your body. The word protein originates from the Greek word 'protos' which means first or "of prime importance" - besides water your body is mostly made up of protein. Your muscles, organs, skin, hair, cells and hormones are all made up of protein - it's therefore a really important nutrient and essential for healthy body function.  

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Probiotics for digestive and immune support

Probiotics for digestive and immune support

October 08, 2016

There are trillions of good live bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, this is part of the gut microflora.  These help to maintain a strong immune and digestive system, so an optimum balance of this bacteria is really important. Many factors can affect the balance of the gut microflora such as taking antibiotics, colds and infections, stress, travel or unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle.

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Why is Fish Oil important?

Why is Fish Oil important?

October 03, 2016

Fish oil is made up of two types of Omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA. These contribute to the maintenance of normal heart, vision and brain function. The body does not produce Omega-3 therefore it must be obtained from eating foods such as oily fish, or by taking supplements.

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Nutrition For The Brain

Nutrition For The Brain

September 26, 2016

Did you know that good nutrition is vital to the health of your brain? It is, and in ways that might surprise you! For a long time the role of nutrition in mental health has been neglected, but things are changing and we now know just how important brain foods and certain nutrients are.A healthy brain in linked to lower feelings of stress,better moods, focus, and memory both early in life, and as we age. Making simple changes to the foods you eat can have surprising benefits.  

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Is Dehydration Delaying Your Progress?

Is Dehydration Delaying Your Progress?

August 31, 2016

"Many people underestimate the importance of water to the body"

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Amazing Health Benefits of Fibre!

Amazing Health Benefits of Fibre!

May 31, 2016

Fibre is an important part of a healthy balanced diet. It can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers, and can also improve digestive health. However, many people don't get enough.

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How To Stay Young

How To Stay Young

May 18, 2016

A few weeks ago the BBC aired a series of programmes called "How To Stay Young" featuring Angela Rippon, a beautiful lady who looks absolutely incredible for the age. After an MRI scan showing visceral far around her organs,which puts you at a high threat of cancer,stroke,diabetes and dementia.The doctor suggested she uses soluble fibre called Inulin for treatment.

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Are Your kids Getting all the Nutrients They Need?- Kids Need Supplements Too

Are Your kids Getting all the Nutrients They Need?- Kids Need Supplements Too

February 19, 2016

Getting children to eat a varied, nutrient dense diet on a regular basis can be difficult, obviously using diet to get nutrients is the main focus but sometimes in day-to-day life this isn't the easiest of tasks and deficiencies will occur. Supplements for children are just as important as supplements for adults.In this post we will explain 4 main supplements and why they are so important.

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Energy and Vitality- Restore your Energy

Energy and Vitality- Restore your Energy

February 17, 2016

Fatigue can affect both your mind and body with symptoms including muscle fatigue,lack of motivation, low mood, brain fog, aches and pains, headaches.This often leads people to use food, stimulants or alcohol to cope.The most important thing to do is work out why you may be constantly tired.

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Tips to support a healthy immune system over christmas

Tips to support a healthy immune system over christmas

November 19, 2014

Try to avoid excessive dietry sugar.

100g of refined sugar a day has been found to cut immune function by 50%. The typical western diet contains around 150g of refined sugar daily.

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