How To Stay Young
May 18, 2016
A few weeks ago the BBC aired a series of programmes called "How To Stay Young" featuring Angela Rippon, a beautiful lady who looks absolutely incredible for the age. After an MRI scan showing visceral far around her organs,which puts you at a high threat of cancer,stroke,diabetes and dementia.The doctor suggested she uses soluble fibre called Inulin for treatment.

Well..... days after we had an influx of customers asking for Inulin because they had watched the documentary but weren't 100% sure what it was for and whether they should be using it. I've put together some information found on various websites and blogs to make it easy for you to decide wether or not this supplement is right for you, along with what it is, where it's sourced from and the health benefits. Fat doesn't just store calories, it's a living tissue capable of producing and releasing hormones that affect your other organs, because visceral fat sits near our organs its release of these chemicals is poorly situated. Having more visceral fat can raise your LDL (Bad Cholesterol) and blood pressure.Visceral fat can also make you less sensitive to insulin which increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.
For a healthy stomach and digestive tract Inulin is a must, while you can't digest this water-soluble dietary fibre you won't feel good without it.It is found in many natural plant food and is known as a prebiotic.
But What Is It?
Inulin is a heterogeneous mixture of fructose polymers found in nature as plant repository carbohydrates.This dietary fiber survives your stomach acid and passes into the small intestine. Along the way it mixes with water, ferments, and then becomes food for life-supporting probiotic bacteria of the large intestine. This bacteria includes things like bifidobacterium and lactobacilli. When you keep bacteria like these fed, they keep out unwanted bacteria like E. coli and Clostridium difficile and fungus like Candida.
Benefits of Inulin
Inulin has many researched benefits, including weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar support. Here are a few of the many benefits you can get from inulin.
Weight Loss
While inulin can help with weight loss, it’s not the entire picture. Eating healthy and exercise are also key components. When it comes to inulin and weight loss, a healthy digestive tract–and the symbiotic bacteria inulin promotes–moves the nutrients you need into your bloodstream and gets the toxins through so they do as little damage as possible. One study of 30 obese women found those who took inulin restored healthy bacteria and created a positive change on metabolites linked to obesity.
A study of 49 women with diabetes reported those who took inulin responded better to sugar, had lower glycemic levels, and increased antioxidant activity. While more research is needed, the importance of a healthy gut can’t be understated.
Keeps You Regular
You’ve probably heard how important fiber is for being regular. For the best outcomes, you want to get fiber, like inulin, to keep your gut bacteria fresh. In a study of elderly volunteers who took 15 grams of chicory root daily, researchers found that participants experienced improved digestion, fewer problems with constipation, and an easier time with bowel movements.
How Much Inulin Do You Need?
There is no set limit for how much inulin you can have, or really how much you need. Typically, you want to eat inulin-rich foods every day to keep your digestive tract healthy and working right. If you’ve been taking antibiotics, you will want to increase inulin and maybe even supplement with the compound to replenish the intestinal bacteria that antibiotics wipe out. Alcohol, processed, sugary foods, and fried foods also kill off the healthy intestinal bacteria you need. So if you’re trying to right your diet, lose weight or overcome IBS or IBD, you will want to increase your inulin intake.
Great Sources of Inulin
If your diet has been high in processed foods and sugars, start slow. Too much of this dietary fiber too quickly can lead to bloating, gas, diarrhea, and intestinal discomfort. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat foods high in inulin. The best natural food sources of inulin include bananas, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, leeks, onions, garlic, and chicory and dandelion root. Inulin can be obtained through supplements; supplements feature chicory as their source of inulin. [shopify product=]
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