Amazing Health Benefits of Fibre!
May 31, 2016
Fibre is an important part of a healthy balanced diet. It can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers, and can also improve digestive health. However, many people don't get enough.
For starters, fibre isn't digested by your body like fats, proteins, or carbs. In fact, it stays pretty much the same until it hits your colon.That's where the two types of fibre come into play: those that don't dissolve in water (insoluble fibre) and those that do (soluble fibre).
"Fibre is a carbohydrate. But not just any carbohydrate. Because it's indigestible, fiber doesn't affect your body the way other carbs do"
There are two major types of fibre. Soluble fibre dissolves readily in water and turns into a gel upon digestion. It takes a long time to digest and slows the release of other nutrients into the blood.
insoluble fibers help hydrate and move waste through your intestines. That's one thing it does that helps prevent constipation and keeps you regular.Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fibre

Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Just as with sweets and chocolates, you gotta think 'moderation' here. There are actual consequences for bulking up on fibre too quickly!
Constipation: Eating the right amount of foods rich in fibre can help with any 'traffic jams' in the bathroom. However, fibre absorbs water. Eating too much fibre without drinking plenty of water can have the opposite of its intended effect! Don't forget your eight to ten 8oz glasses of water a day in addition to slowly increasing your fibre intake!
Gas: Increased flatulence is a very common side effect of high-fibre diet. Once the fibre hits your colon, bacteria begin to chow down, doing what they can to digest it - creating bloating and gas as a byproduct. Sadly, this occurs regardless of the type of fibre you're eating.
Deprivation Of Good Cholesterol: While it is true that high fibre diet is effective in lowering cholesterol, not all cholesterol is bad. In fact, according to research, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is effective in protecting the heart and brain. Eating more than the recommended daily amount of fibre may reduce both types of cholesterol from the blood. Foods rich in fibre are not bad, rather healthful. However, too much of anything good can be bad.
F- Fullness I- Insulin control B- Beneficial bacteria E- Expectancy R- Regulation
Fibre's effect on satiety is usually attributed to two main factors: adding bulk to the diet and slowing down digestion. When you eat high-fibre foods, this increased bulk takes up more space in your stomach. This is directly related to fullness because your stomach is a "volume counter" rather than a "calorie counter." The more space you take up&mdash with food or fluids, the fuller you feel. It's no wonder you can plow through a whole box of cereal but struggle to finish a second serving of broccoli. The high-fibre nature of the broccoli takes up more space in your stomach, which sends signals to your brain to put down the fork.
Insulin Control
Another perk of slow digestion is enhanced insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control. A high-fibre meal slows the entry of nutrients, such as glucose, into the blood. A slower release of glucose into the blood allows insulin to distribute it effectively. What's more, the pancreas doesn't need to secrete as much insulin.
"Regardless of your goals, enhanced insulin sensitivity is invaluable. The ability to efficiently clear glucose from the blood and to effectively distribute it bodes well for body composition, regardless of your physique goal"
Beneficial Bacteria
The beneficial bacteria in your gut feed on fibre. Increasing the amount of
good gut bacteria has been shown to enhance immune function and reduce inflammation. A stronger immune system helps you get to the gym, rather than being stuck on the couch, sick, wrapped up in a blanket. You can't make progress if you're unable to get to the gym! Reducing inflammation may reduce your risk of several metabolic abnormalities such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high blood lipids.
Multiple studies demonstrate a positive association between the amount of fibre you eat in your diet and life expectancy. A recent study looked at the dietary fibre intake of nearly half a million European adults and found that those eating more than 28 grams of fiber per day had a 24 percent less risk of death than those taking in less than 16 grams per day.
Eating enough fibre every day may help add a few extra years to your life.
This doesn't mean a low-fiber diet will take away 25 percent of your years on earth, but it does suggest that eating a high-fibre diet may potentially add a few years. That means more time for squats and deadlifts!
A diet plentiful in insoluble fibre is effective at increasing fecal bulk and promoting a regularly scheduled trip to the bathroom. There's even some new research demonstrating that people who eat a diet higher in fibre may expend more calories through their poop than those consuming a low-fibre diet. The results may be miniscule, and more research is needed at this point, but, hey, it's another incentive to stay regular. [shopify product=]
References: and WEBMD
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