Ditch the coffee, Try Caffeine free Bambu Coffee a 100% natural alternative!!
January 24, 2016
Bambu® is a 100% natural coffee alternative. The recipe was created by Alfred Vogel more than 50 years ago and contains organic chicory, Turkish figs, malted barley, wheat, and Greek acorns.

- 100% natural, organically grown ingredients
- No caffeine
- Can be drunk at any time of the day
- Instant drink as a coffee substitute
Bambu® contains no caffeine, meaning you don’t have to worry about when you drink it – whether it be during the day or bedtime. You are also unlikely to experience palpitations, a nasty side effect of drinking too many caffeine containing drinks!
Bambu® has a high potassium content, supporting cell activity. It is non-additive and chicory, one of its ingredients, has a positive influence on the digestive process.
You can enjoy Bambu® made in the same way as any other instant coffee drink. Alternatively, it is particularly delicious made with hot milk (or soya milk) instead of water. In the summer, chill the milky drink, adding some ice cubes for extra refreshment.
Organic chicory, wheat, malted barley, figs and acorns
Organically grown and prepared in accordance to the EEC Council Regulation 2092/91
If you're a heavy coffee drinker like myself you may find the taste a little tricky to get used to straight away, but trust me, after a few cups Bambu coffee will be your new go to drink every morning!! be creative, try making a latte, add cocoa and a little cinnamon to create a mocha or the best one add it to a banana smoothie :-).
[shopify product=http://shop4supplements.co.uk/products/a-vogel-bambu-fruit-and-grain-coffee-100g]
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